Childhood obesity and diabetes are becoming alarmingly common.

Our children deserve better

Cancer is claiming more and more lives – young and old – every year.  

We deserve better

The air, water, and soil are becoming dangerously polluted.

Earth deserves better

Confined animal feeding operations and non-grazing dairies produce between 78 and 99 percent of the animal products we consume.

Our livestock deserve better

When you watch a documentary like Fresh or read a Joel Salatin quote or stumble across a Weston A. Price study you choose what to do with that knowledge.  Know better. Do better.  Maybe you sit on the fence for a while, testing the waters before you take the plunge, but eventually you have to make that choice.

You get off the fence

You know that food is medicine. You crave the traditional foods our ancestors ate. Maybe you yearn for a slower life. So much of your time and effort is invested in preparing nutritious meals for your family that purchasing high quality foods packed with nutrients and produced in a way that is respectful of this Earth and its inhabitants is of the highest priority.

Off the Fence Farm was born out of a health crisis. Quinolone antibiotics had severely damaged my mother’s health and she was in what one of her doctors described as a “death spiral”. With no health insurance we turned to food for answers and we believe that saved her life. We began buying organic vegetables, grass fed beef, and organic skin care and cleaning products.

A garden was planted and grew in size yearly. Chickens were purchased and eventually we bought our first milk cow, Ellen. Eating pastured eggs and other whole clean foods pulled my mother out of that death spiral. While she has not (yet) recovered her health she is still with us.

As we began educating our friends and producing more than we could eat my dad started taking our surplus vegetables to the farmer’s markets. We discovered a real need in our community and felt compelled to meet it.  

At the beginning of 2018 we launched our equine programs. Combining holistic methods and individualized lesson plans we are proud to provide gentle horsemanship programs to our community.

2022 has been a year of transition for us. In February we lost our mom to an aggressive cancer. August saw the move of my sister, Micah, (our equine expert) to Minnesota. Our dad, Steve, is still committed to providing raw milk and pastured eggs in the area.

Off the Fence has undergone many changes and transitions but our desire to see a thriving sustainable farming culture in our community hasn’t changed.

We need to respect the fact that cows are herbivores, and that does not mean feeding them corn and chicken manure.
— Joel Salatin